
Image made using a Nikon D800E camera converted to 590 by Kolari.
Dry lake

Image made using a Nikon D800D camera with a 590 IR Kolari conversion.

This image was made using a Nikon D800E camera converted to 590 by Kolari.

This image was made using a Nikon D800E camera with a kolari 590 conversion.
Lily pads

This image was made using a Nikon D800E camera converted by Kolari to 590 IR.
Santa Monica tree

Image was made using a Nikon D800E camera with a Kolari 590 IR conversion.
ir succulent

I made this image using a Nikon D800E camera with a kolari 590 IR conversion.

this is an image shot with a Nikon D800E camera with a Kolari 590 conversion at sunset in Santa Monica. The image is the raw IR file with only some color intensifying. I liked the basic image without doing any manipulation, just the image as shot was nice.
Panoramic View from Piazzale MichelangeloFlorence

Panoramic View from Piazzale Michelangelo,Florence
The Long Sunset

Rarely do I get to make a long exposure with water in New Mexico, so when I travel to places with more water I always want to find a place with both elements. This is 117 second exposure on a small river in northern Arkansas.
Cottonwood Grove

My favorite cottonwood grove in New Mexico.
This is no picnic

Taken at White Sands National Park in February of 2022 during wind storm. With wind gusts exceeding 50 mph, I stayed in my car rather than venturing out into the dunes.