Fairy Tale of Prague (Essay 310)

Fairy Tale of Prague 3

With its stunning architecture and gorgeous nature, Prague is arguably the most beautiful city in the world. And even to a higher extent when photographed with infrared filters, resulting in Fairytale-like views.

Fairy Tale of Prague (Essay 210)

Fairy Tale of Prague 2

With its stunning architecture and gorgeous nature, Prague is arguably the most beautiful city in the world. And even to a higher extent when photographed with infrared filters, resulting in Fairytale-like views.

Fairy Tale of Prague (Essay 510)

Fairy Tale of Prague 5

With its stunning architecture and gorgeous nature, Prague is arguably the most beautiful city in the world. And even to a higher extent when photographed with infrared filters, resulting in Fairytale-like views.

Fairy Tale of Prague (Essay 810)

Fairy Tale of Prague 8

With its stunning architecture and gorgeous nature, Prague is arguably the most beautiful city in the world. And even to a higher extent when photographed with infrared filters, resulting in Fairytale-like views.

Fairy Tale of Prague (Essay 910)

Fairy Tale of Prague 9

With its stunning architecture and gorgeous nature, Prague is arguably the most beautiful city in the world. And even to a higher extent when photographed with infrared filters, resulting in Fairytale-like views.

Fairy Tale of Prague (Essay 1010)

Fairy Tale of Prague 10

With its stunning architecture and gorgeous nature, Prague is arguably the most beautiful city in the world. And even to a higher extent when photographed with infrared filters, resulting in Fairytale-like views.

Willow Lake 590

IMGP8290 Edit

First Landscape attempt in IR. Using Kolari 590nm Pro 77mm on a Full Spectrum Pentax K1. Location in Willow Lake on the Mogollon Rim in Northern Arizona. Taken in October, 2020

Bike Lane 590


Urban shot using Kolari 590 nm Pro 77mm on a Full Spectrum Pentax K1. Photo is from Chandler Arizona shot in October 2020.

Fulton Ranch 590

IMGP8257 Pano 01 Edit 3

IR recipe.. Water, Foliage, Clouds.. taking with Kolari 590nm Pro on Pentax K1 at Chandler, Arizona in October 2020


kayaking skagit valley

The long way down in kayak from the British Columbia CAN to the Skagit Valley in WA USA

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is now open! 

Filters and accessories now shipping from Slovenia with VAT included and quick DHL shipping.
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