Zherong Tea Plantation

13 IRLJXT34918 HD 9b246179 65e5 4271 a92c 7b05c10efde4

The Zherong Tea Plantation in the Fujian province of China is one of the largest tea plantations in the world. It is also one of the most photogenic tea plantations.

The Tulous of Fujian

12 IRL DSF8458 HD 6cb14a2d e0c5 431d accd 0e948daacc6f

A Tulou is a traditional communal Hakka people residence found in Fujian, in South China, usually of a circular configuration surrounding a central shrine, but sometimes (like some in this photo) also in a square configuration. It is part of Hakka architecture and was initially built to form a fortress.

Dameisha Beach

10 IRL DSF0444 HD ba483225 27a7 4e94 b156 f6c52fe880bb

Dameisha beach in Shenzhen is a very popular beach and is always full of people having fun in the water. I decided to use a long exposure to minimize the visibility of the people

Elephant Road

04 IRC Elephant Road 61364772 e0db 4393 baf5 4ad76ae9079f

The Elephant road is located in the Ming Xiaoling National Heritage park. The Ming Xiaoling is the mausoleum of the Hongwu Emperor, the founder of the Ming dynasty. It lies at the southern foot of Purple Mountain, located east of the historical centre of Nanjing. The Elephant Road is lined by 12 pairs of 6 […]

Table View

03 BW Table View 1200 1464682f f1f3 4567 8964 45c177af62ba

A View of Table Mountain and Cape Town (South Africa) from Blouberg Strand. The tabletop of the mountain is covered in very typical early morning low clouds.

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