2022 Kolari Vision “Life in Another Light” Infrared Photo Contest Official Rules

3rd Place Sunken Boat by Dani Kangu

The 2022 Kolari Vision “Life in Another Light” Infrared Photo Contest (the “Contest”) is sponsored by Kolari Vision LLC (“Sponsor”). All ten (10) categories will be awarded a 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place prize as well as a maximum of three (3) honorable mentions per category. TWO (2) FIRST-PLACE PHOTO ESSAY PRIZES: The 1st-Place prize […]

EOS R5 Cooling Heatsink Mod Tutorial

Canon R5 Heatsink Overheating Mod Service

Learn how to install our DIY Heatsink in your Canon EOS R5! If you would prefer us to convert it for you risk-free, head over to our Canon R5 Heatsink Overheating Mod Service! When the Canon EOS R5 was released, we learned that it overheats quickly in 8K shooting and in some 4K modes. Initially, this was […]

EOS R5 and R6 Overheating Timer Chip

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Here at Kolari Vision, we love tearing into the newest camera gears to learn how they work and if they can be modded for infrared photography, full spectrum photography, or other things. We’ve been really excited about the R5/R6 release, and had plans to add some cooling mods and overhaul it into a proper video […]

2020 Kolari Vision “Life in Another Light” Infrared Photo Contest Official Rules

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The 2020 Kolari Vision “Life in Another Light” Infrared Photo Contest (the “Contest”) is sponsored by Kolari Vision LLC (“Sponsor”). All ten (10) categories will be awarded a 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place prize as well as a maximum of four (4) honorable mentions per category. TEN (10) FIRST-PLACE PRIZES: The 1st-Place prize winner for […]

Infrared at the Oscars: Powered by Kolari Filters

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Photo: Netflix via Wired – Martin Scorsese had a very tall order for Lucasfilms during creation of The Irishman The task was to create a motion capture special effect that could de-age the cast decades, but it had to be done without tracking dots, facepaint, or spandex body suits. (Would you want to ask DeNiro, […]

2020 Kolari Vision “Life in Another Light” Infrared Photo Contest Official Rules

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The 2020 Kolari Vision “Life in Another Light” Infrared Photo Contest (the “Contest”) is sponsored by Kolari Vision LLC (“Sponsor”). All ten (10) categories will be awarded a 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place prize as well as a maximum of four (4) honorable mentions per category. TEN (10) FIRST-PLACE PRIZES: The 1st-Place prize winner for […]

Infrared Photography Feature: Sherri Mabe

Aroya School

As a girl I would linger hours in a fantasy world of faraway galaxies, cloud gazing, enchanted forests, and so on. Growing a bit older I immersed myself in the worlds of books and music, keeping company with words and rhythms. Then at some point in my teens I came upon my father’s old 1960’s […]

Infrared Photography Feature: Geoff Decker

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Infrared photography is poetic. If you compare poetry to traditional prose, you often have a more simple block of words with a much more complicated meaning embedded within it. Likewise, infrared photography utilizes a simpler color scheme but emits far more concentrated feelings into the subject matter. I don’t quite remember what image or series […]

Kolari Vision Prepaid Insured Mail-in Box

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Not sure how to mail your expensive camera? We are now offering a secure and insured mailer box to streamline the shipping process for our customers shipping from the US! We’re happy to announce that we’re taking the hassle and confusion out of shipping your camera back and forth to us for our conversion service. […]

Infrared Photography Feature: Tony Sweet

Tony Sweet

My Life in Infrared   As a child, before knowing what photography was, I saw an infrared cover image on an old Life magazine. I don’t recall the image, but do recall and never forgot the indelible mark it made on my imagination. I was just blown away and that was about the end of […]

Kolari’s EU store
is now open! 

Filters and accessories now shipping from Slovenia with VAT included and quick DHL shipping.
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