Morning Exercise

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Chinese people pay more attention to health preservation, and their life focuses on sports. In Haicang, Xiamen, when the sun rises, many men, women and children participate in sports every day, some do morning exercises, some dance square dance, and they absorb the sunlight. The energy the universe gives makes the body healthier, the quality […]

Morning Exercise

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Chinese people pay more attention to health preservation, and their life focuses on sports. In Haicang, Xiamen, when the sun rises, many men, women and children participate in sports every day, some do morning exercises, some dance square dance, and they absorb the sunlight. The energy the universe gives makes the body healthier, the quality […]

Morning Exercise

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Chinese people pay more attention to health preservation, and their life focuses on sports. In Haicang, Xiamen, when the sun rises, many men, women and children participate in sports every day, some do morning exercises, some dance square dance, and they absorb the sunlight. The energy the universe gives makes the body healthier, the quality […]

Morning Exercise

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Chinese people pay more attention to health preservation, and their life focuses on sports. In Haicang, Xiamen, when the sun rises, many men, women and children participate in sports every day, some do morning exercises, some dance square dance, and they absorb the sunlight. The energy the universe gives makes the body healthier, the quality […]

Morning Exercise

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Chinese people pay more attention to health preservation, and their life focuses on sports. In Haicang, Xiamen, when the sun rises, many men, women and children participate in sports every day, some do morning exercises, some dance square dance, and they absorb the sunlight. The energy the universe gives makes the body healthier, the quality […]

Morning Exercise

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Chinese people pay more attention to health preservation, and their life focuses on sports. In Haicang, Xiamen, when the sun rises, many men, women and children participate in sports every day, some do morning exercises, some dance square dance, and they absorb the sunlight. The energy the universe gives makes the body healthier, the quality […]

Morning Exercise

DSCF3905 result 5bbbfe8b ffe0 4ef3 b6dd bfce69b90f29

Chinese people pay more attention to health preservation, and their life focuses on sports. In Haicang, Xiamen, when the sun rises, many men, women and children participate in sports every day, some do morning exercises, some dance square dance, and they absorb the sunlight. The energy the universe gives makes the body healthier, the quality […]

Morning Exercise

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Chinese people pay more attention to health preservation, and their life focuses on sports. In Haicang, Xiamen, when the sun rises, many men, women and children participate in sports every day, some do morning exercises, some dance square dance, and they absorb the sunlight. The energy the universe gives makes the body healthier, the quality […]

Working together

Working together Fuji X T3 band 1R760 Xu Jiben, Fuzhou, China 13959180969 result 24fc45a4 b653 431f 8a1c 0b8dc29a3365

The production and labor scenes of fishermen on the coast of Fujian, China

Weaving the Net

Weaving the Net Fuji X T3 Band 1R760 Xu Jiben, Fuzhou, China 13959180969 result 8ca08d09 3662 4771 9bcf 71c444545cfe

The production and labor scenes of fishermen on the coast of Fujian, China

Treasure hunt

Treasure hunt Fuji X T3 band 1R760 Xu Jiben, Fuzhou, China 13959180969 result 8d9fa665 5e09 4d76 bb5b daf7da7bc5f1

The production and labor scenes of fishermen on the coast of Fujian, China

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