The Best Tips for Different Genres of Photography
Whether you’re interested in portraiture, landscape, wildlife, or any other genre of photography, there are specific techniques and tips that can help you capture stunning images.
Tips for Photographing Families
Family photography can be rewarding because you can help preserve special moments and memories.
Narrowband Hydrogen Alpha Filters for Landscape Astrophotography
Narrowband hydrogen filters record even greater detail and contrast in night skies.
Our Top Video Camera Picks for 2023
The best models from the top camera companies
Why Photographers Shouldn’t Work for Free
Your skills and services are valuable. Don’t sell yourself short.
Using Negative Space in Your Photography Compositions
Understanding how to use negative space in your photography will help you take more control of your compositions.
5 Lighting Setups to Get Started in the Studio
Tried and true lighting recipes for images that stand out!
10 Tips to Make the Most of Natural Light
Natural light can become a photographer’s best friend with the right knowledge.
Photographing Sunrise: Tips for Starting Your Day with Stunning Images
There’s something magical about the stories you can tell as the world is only just waking up.
Choosing a Camera for Video
What to keep in mind while searching for your next video camera.
Why You Should Try Infrared Photography
Infrared light produces a distinct visual style that is unlike anything else.
Learning to Shoot in Manual Mode
Let’s walk through why you should shoot in manual mode and then what you need to learn to be able to do so.