Infrared Photography for Beginners
Getting started can be daunting, but we’ve got you covered in this complete beginner’s guide to infrared photography.
Long Exposures for Infrared Photography
Long exposure landscape photography can bring calm to an otherwise chaotic scene.
Choosing a Camera for Infrared Photography
The first step in choosing a camera is deciding which type works best for you.
Tips for Infrared Landscape Photography
Here are some of my thoughts on planning, best lighting for infrared, and considerations for landscape photography in general.
Coping with Infrared Hotspots Using Astrophotography Techniques
Hotspots can ruin your infrared images. Learn how to remove them in post.
Different Types of Photography
The world of photography is as vast as the sea, and there are just as many creative paths one can take within the photography industry.
Seeing the Infrared Light
Although our eyes only see visible light, here are some observations and an approach to learning how to “see” infrared light.
Canon Gold Standard Lenses
When shooting in infrared, one of the biggest keys to success is your glass.
Landscape Lens List for Infrared-Converted Nikon DSLRs
You need to work with tools that fit your style of shooting, budget, and the landscape.
Hot Mirror Clip-in Options
An overview and comparison of the different hot mirror filter options available for our clip-in filter systems.
What is the Iridium Filter?
Inspired by color-enhancing sunglasses designed for color blind people, Kolari made the Iridium filter with similar science in mind.
Top 10 Photo Editing Software Options
Having the right software for your workflow is crucial for photo editing.