How to Get the Most Out of the Kolari Candy Chrome Infrared Lens Filter
How to Get the Most Out of the New Candy Chrome Infrared Lens Filter Written by Pierre-Louis Ferrer Introduction Candy Chrome is the new exciting infrared filter developed by Kolari Vision. Whereas it can be used like any regular infrared filter, like the 720nm or the 595nm filters, Candy Chrome filter can achieve unique colors […]
Project Solanum – Infrared Cinematography with Full-Spectrum Conversion and IR Chrome
Project Solanum – Infrared Cinematography with Full Spectrum Conversion and IR Chrome Project Solanum is a climate fiction project in development: Switzerland in the year 2064. Climate change has turned the entire food supply upside down. Strong-willed crop scientist Hiwot opposes all-powerful corporations and radicalized activism to prevent the threat of world hunger. Contribute […]
Packing for Wilderness Backpacking for Astro and Infrared Photography
When trying to get information about a trail or backpacking trip, I have learned the hard way that it is most valuable to get information from other photographers.
Using a Full Spectrum Conversion for Low Light Photography
When shooting at night or in low light conditions, a full spectrum conversion can do wonders.
Narrowband Hydrogen Alpha Filters for Landscape Astrophotography
Narrowband hydrogen filters record even greater detail and contrast in night skies.
Why You Should Try Infrared Photography
Infrared light produces a distinct visual style that is unlike anything else.
Towards Aerochrome: Infrared Tri-Chromes vs. IR Chrome
Let’s examine some options to produce the classic Aerochrome look without Aerochrome film.
Choosing a Full Spectrum or H-alpha Conversion for Astrophotography
Converting a camera for astrophotography is desirable to extend the deep red response.
The Best Infrared Cameras of 2023
One of the most common questions we get at Kolari is “What is the best infrared camera?”
History of the IR Chrome Filter
The digital Aerochrome filter that put Kolari on the map.
Choosing a Camera Brand for Astrophotography
Things to consider for your camera when pursuing astrophotography.
The History of Infrared Photography
Infrared photography is the gateway to the unseen world.