KV-FL1 Flash: Light the Invisible


Each new product launch from Kolari creates the same excitement in me, as a promise of innovative functions in top quality finish. Some months ago, I was informed that a new flash was under development, delivering full spectrum light emission. In addition, cup filters were also planned, to offer a full light solution for all […]

Invisible Paris by Pierre-Louis Ferrer

Paris Invisible Final HD 1 1

This series presents a selection of Paris’ infrared views, from the most iconic to the most modern. The confrontation between nature and urbanism is at the heart of the narration: the vegetation appears immaculate, surrounding monuments and public spaces in a dreamlike whiteness. In contrast, the buildings, gray and dull, try to focus attention without […]

Infrared Photography at Night

4 urban composition 590 2

Introduction Photographers most often shoot infrared during sunny days to catch the maximum infrared light from the sun. However, the sun is not the only source of infrared light, and it is also possible to practice infrared photography at night within several parameters. We will see in this tutorial how it is possible to shoot […]

Advanced Infrared Photography Processing: The Power of Luminosity Masks

1 Post4 step4

Introduction Luminosity masks are a powerful tool for Infrared photography processing . Based on the light repartition in RGB channels, they allow precise parts of a picture to be selected. Due to the specific way infrared light is recorded by digital camera sensors, luminosity masks are also a powerful tool to process effectively and precisely […]

Infrared Photography Feature: Pierre-Louis Ferrer

Self final

My name is Pierre-Louis Ferrer, I am a 29yo photographer based in Paris. Before that, I studied optical instrumentation and digital sensors in engineering school and worked in the industrial sector for 5 years. Then I decided to start a full-time photographer job one year ago, applying my technical knowledge to photography. Photography has been […]

Infrared Photography Guide: Portraits

Pierre Louis Ferrer Kolari 550nm 1

Introduction Infrared photography is most often used for landscapes due to its interesting effects on vegetation. However, infrared photography also has unique effects for portraits such as white and smooth skin and colored hair. In this article we will see how infrared portrait photography works, from practical shooting to the processing of RAW files for […]

Shooting Video in Ultraviolet

Feature photo UV video article

Introduction Shooting stills isn’t the only thing you can do with ultraviolet photography. Filmmaking is also possible with UV light, but doing so presents a new set of challenges. This article shows two examples of movies shot in ultraviolet with different lenses. Static Shots The movie below shows four sequences shot using a tripod with […]

How to Edit Infrared Video

Step 1 1

Introduction Infrared photography has been joined by infrared video as most digital cameras coming out now record in HD. This tutorial describes how to film and process infrared video files using Adobe Premiere. The video files used in this tutorial are coming from a Canon 6D full-spectrum with a Canon 16-35 F/4 IS and a […]

How to Choose a Camera for Infrared Video

Canon 6D 665nm Final

Introduction Nowadays it seems every digital camera on the market offers decent video capability. Since most of these cameras can be modified to capture infrared light, finding the right one to film infrared movies, regarding your expectation and your budget, may take some time. In this article, I analyzed three camera models representing three completely different […]

How to Process Black and White Infrared Photos pt. 2

RAW 24 scaled

Introduction In the first article, we saw how to process 850nm infrared pictures in black and white with global adjustments. This second tutorial deals with the expansion of gray shades without impacting the brightest and darkest parts of the picture. The final image from the previous tutorial will be used as our starting point. Expansion […]

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