The Best Infrared Cameras of 2022
One of the most common questions we get at Kolari is “What is the best infrared camera?”
UV & IR Forensic Photography Equipment Considerations
When it comes to taking UV & IR images, your equipment can either save you hours of work or really slow down your overall workflow.
2nd Annual Life in Another Light Photo Contest Winners
Thank You, everyone! Despite all the setbacks we’ve weathered as a community through 2020, the 2nd annual Life in Another Light Photo Contest turned out to be huge success! We want to thank everyone who participated and took the time to send us their work. We received thousands of submissions, and the US-based and international […]
How to Remove Phase Detect (PDAF) Sensor Lines in Your Infrared Photos by Bob Wheaton
Learn to remove phase detect sensor lines in your infrared images.
Infrared Photography Feature: Sakchai Lokanuvat in the Desert
This week we asked a long time member of the Infrared IG community about his iconic and colorful infrared shots of the desert and where they all come from. His name is Sakchai Lokanuvat, though you may know him as @cuttlepup! “I like how I can never be certain that what I see when I […]
Canon Mirrorless RF Lens Internal Infrared LED: Fact or Fiction?
One common post-conversion issue a camera can have is an internal infrared light leak caused by an internal shutter-monitoring IR LED.
Canon Mirrorless RF Lens Infrared Hotspot Test and Comparison
How do Canon’s new RF mount lenses perform for infrared photography?
Infrared Photography Feature: Paul Logan-Stevens with the Kolari Pocket
This week we recognized Paul Logan-Stevens as one of the best Kolari Pocket shooters out there and asked him what he enjoys the most about shooting infrared and full-spectrum photography. “I have always loved photography, ever since I was given my first camera at age 12. I constantly strive to show different points of view […]
The Science of Infrared Hotspots
Infrared hotspots can ruin your photos, but what even are they and what causes them in the first place?
Why get an infrared conversion?
A converted digital camera is the best way to shoot infrared. See how it compares to the other options.
Infrared Lighting
Not all light is created equally across all spectrums.
Infrared Filter Light Sensitivity
Besides the difference in aesthetics between our infrared filters, there can be a variance in the amount of light reaching the sensor.