What Is the VND/CPL Filter and Why Do You Need It?
The VND/CPL filter is an innovative and versatile tool for all photographers and videographers.
Four Filters Every Photographer Needs
The four filters every photographer needs to have in their kit to take their work to the next level.
Old Style NDs, IRNDs, and Everything in Between
Neutral density filters have a long history before digital photography.
Hot Mirror Clip-in Options
An overview and comparison of the different hot mirror filter options available for our clip-in filter systems.
Why You Need ND Filters for Video
Does your video footage look jittery and uncinematic, despite purchasing that well-acclaimed professional camera?
What is a Mist Filter?
A mist filter lowers the highlights and overall contrast in an image while creating a dream-like, hazy effect.
What is the Iridium Filter?
Inspired by color-enhancing sunglasses designed for color blind people, Kolari made the Iridium filter with similar science in mind.
ND Filters for Long Exposures
One of the more well-known applications for an ND filter is taking long exposures. Here’s how that works.
CPL Filter Buying Guide
In this article, we walk you through how to choose the best CPL filter for you.
ND Filter Buying Guide
In this article, we walk you through the different options for ND filters and how to choose the best one for you.
Top Reasons You Need CPL Filters
A CPL, or circular polarizing filter, is just one of the many tools you can use to perfect your shots.
What Does a Dark CPL Do?
A Dark CPL combines an ND filter with a CPL to get the best of both worlds.