Free Domestic Shipping, quality glass filters
List of models we convert:
APS-C Format: A6000*, A6500*
Full Frame: A7, A7 III, A7R, A7R IV, A7R V, A7S, A7C, A7C II, A7CR
* Dust reduction is disabled in these models.
We do not recommend combining wide angle lenses (wider than 35mm) with astro-modified sensors. Astrophotography thoroughly tests the optics of any camera system and lens, Sony camera’s are designed in such a way that additional considerations apply, specifically when working in infrared. We have an in-depth article here on the issues with modified Sony cameras and astrophotography. Corner sharpness performance is heavily tied to the lens being used, wide angle lenses compound this issue. We provide the highest quality glass possible, however, with certain body-lens combinations corner sharpness loss may occur.
With Sony H-alpha conversions, and particularly naked conversions, focus with camera lenses may not work on the A6000 and A6500. These cameras will only be compatible with telescope and manual focusing. For autofocus, please order the full spectrum conversion here.
A7Rii, A7ii, A7Sii : These cameras contains an internal diagnostic IR Led. This can cause light leaks when using very long exposures and high ISOs in the H-alpha and IR enabled conversions, in the range of 30 second exposures at 6,400 ISO. These are not supported Astro modification models.
H-Alpha Filter :
Filter with expanded spectral response that covers the H-alpha and sulfur II emission lines. After conversion, the camera will have a greater than 4 fold increase in sensitivity in the H-alpha line compared to a stock camera, and a greater than 6 fold increase in sensitivity in the sulfur II line. This conversion will maintain the dust reduction feature in the camera and uses multicoated glass to reduce reflections and artifacts. These cameras can still be used for normal photography when paired with our hotmirror color correcting filter. Above, an actual measured transmission curve of the filter. Internal transmission is close to 100%. Be careful when reading transmission curves, some sources provide the more attractive internal transmission instead. All curves we provide are always measured transmission. Focus will be recalibrated for use with standard lenses.
Naked Filter:
The bare naked sensor. We take out all the filters in front of the sensor and leave your sensor unfiltered. There is no extra glass to cause any ghosting artifacts or attenuate any wavelengths, but your sensor will be much more sensitive to dust and scratches. Focus will be recalibrated for use with standard lenses.
Full Spectrum Filter:
Another popular option for astrophotography, allows you to use any filter over the lens to narrow down the recording band. Focus will be recalibrated for use with standard lenses. Can be ordered here
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Focus Calibration Information:
Please note that on mirrorless cameras, we calibrate the camera to focus universally with all lenses. For DLSR camera’s our post-conversion focus calibration is set to 50mm, and will generally focus well with most lenses between 20mm – 300mm. If you are sending in a DSLR for conversion and plan on using lenses outside this range, or using one specific lens, you may want to include this lens with the camera so we can calibrate the camera to it specifically. If you have any concerns regarding lenses and your DLSR camera; please reach out to our customer service team before shipping the DSLR to us.
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