Hermits Rest

One of a long exposure series entitled “Time” Taken in the Mountains of New Mexico early summer 2020

Life in 2020

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Image 2 of the series “Time” A look at the events of 2020 and how this year just needs to go away.

Time Stands Still

Image # 3 in the “Time” essay. A very old chapel and graves slowly become one with Mother Earth. June 2020

Crystal Mill

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Image #4 on my “Time” essay. The famous Crystal Mill is one on the most Picturesque old mining mills in Colorado.

Desert Storm Sunset

Image #5 from my Time series. Desert Storm Sunset, The Guadalupe Mountains of southern New Mexico/ North Texas This series is made of exposures of 30- 300 second plus with my Kolari 850NM filter modified D810. Some exposures are made from low light situations and others from use of a 10 and 15 stop ND […]

White Sands Beauty

Image #6 of the “Time” Series White Sands New Mexico and the clouds of late day.

Jemez Falls

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Image #7 of the “Time” series The flow of water in the Jemez box in the mountains of New Mexico. Just really like the flow of this one.


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#7 of the “Time” series A long exposure of the sacred “Pedernal here in Abiquiu with a very nice thunderstorm hovering around the flat peak.


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Image #8 of the “Time” Series The ghost town on Negra finds some of the most interesting storms during the summer Monsoon of New Mexico

Virgin Flow

Image #9 of my “Time” series The Virgin river in Zion National Park flows quickly through the canyon on a warm summer day.


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Image #10 of my “Time” series The implied motion of the making of the ghost town and the decline of the community. Time can be brutal and final

Supercell Las Vegas NM

A wonderful Supercell storm outside of Las Vegas NM June 2020 Taken with my Kolari 850nm mod Nikon D10 and Sigma 14-24mm Art lens,.

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