the music stage
the music stage in the park Dual filter
Autumnal Forest
The Golden Hour of our season comes, brining soft colors.
Olive fields
Olive fields dual filter
Bridge on the Arroyo
Historic bridge in Pasadena, CA.
Golden Palms
Day by the ocean on a beautiful afternoon…
Tropical cliffs
A tropical evergreen forest in full spectrum, with visible light and 720nm IR shot separately and then combined.
The Deneb – Sadr Region constellation Cygnus (Swan)
DESCRIPTION: Well known and very often photograph part of Milky Way. The Deneb (Alpha Cygni) is the brightest star and Sadr (Gamma Gygni) is the third brightest star of the constellation Cygnus (Swan or Northern Cross). You can see them to the left down and right up of the center on my picture. This area […]
NGC 6992 Veil Nebula Cygnus (Swan)
DESCRIPTION: My second attempt at photo of Veil Nebula in constellation of Cygnus by 500 mm Nikkor lens, only 55 min acquisition. OBJECT: NGC 6992, Veil Nebula, Constellation Cygnus (Swan), apparent magnitude 7, apparent diameter approx. 3 degrees, FOV 4 x 2,7 arcdeg. More info GEAR: Nikon Z7 Kolari Full Spectrum + Nikkor 500/5,6 […]
Cascade Falls
Cascade Falls, MD
Swamp Trail
Atlantic White Cedar Swamp Trail, MA
within traditional laundry
craft man working in his traditional laundry in old Cairo streets
Beach Montaa de Oro State Park California
Sunset at the beach at a wonderful state park; full spectrum converted Olympus E-PL8