The Deneb – Sadr Region constellation Cygnus (Swan)

DESCRIPTION: Well known and very often photograph part of Milky Way. The Deneb (Alpha Cygni) is the brightest star and Sadr (Gamma Gygni) is the third brightest star of the constellation Cygnus (Swan or Northern Cross). You can see them to the left down and right up of the center on my picture. This area lies in the plane of Milky Way and is very rich in emission nebulae. The field of view of this photo is 15×10 arcdeg. Left down you can see The North America Nebula, The Pelican Nebula, to the right of the center is Butterfly Nebula, right up Crescent Nebula. Enjoi.. I looking forward your comments and tips.

OBJECT: The Deneb – Sadr Region, constellation Cygnus (Swan), FOV 15 x 10 arcdeg.

GEAR: Nikon Z7 Kolari Full Spectrum + Sigma 135/1,8, Astroklar Light Polution filter + Kolari UV/IR/H+ filter, sampling rate 6,61 arcsec/px, tracking mount iOptron CEM60EC – 3 star alignment, no auto guiding, dew heater.

ACQUISITION: September 8, 2020, Struz, CZ, SubExposure 180s, f 2,0, ISO 100, Interval 20 s, Light 20x, Dark 24x, Bias 24x, Flat 30x. Total exposure time 60 min. Night, no wind, 10 C, no Moon, Light pollution – Bortle 5.

STACKING AND POST PROCESSING: AstroPixelProcessor (stacking, background neutralization, light pollution removal, calibrate background) , Adobe Photoshop CC 2020 (stretching, black and white point settings, dim stars, enhance DSO, contrast setting, no noise reduction). No Cropped image,

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