Infrared photos its like to look inside out. The lavender looks like never seen it before – very mystical.
Infrared photo looks like its watched inside out. And bouquet of lavender turn in different – very mysterious way.
Lava glow from Mauna Kea June of 2018
In the spring of 2018, Hawaii’s Kilauea became increasingly active, resulting in a volcanic event only rivaled by activity from the mid 20th century and earlier that’s called the 2018 lower Puna eruption. This panorama was taken with a full-spectrum modified Canon 6D, with an IR cut filter, which allowed me to image visible light […]
Lake Sabrina
Lake Sabrina, Bishop, California
Alone In Nature
Bishop, California
Saint Peter Square
Saint Peter Square, Vatican City
Tropical Wonderland
TheTropical Palm house at Kew gardens, seen in full spectrum.
Tropical Wonderland in series
Picture 1. A day in the Palm House at Kew Gardens in Full Spectrum. Series.
Tropical Wonderland in series
Picture 2. A day in the Palm House at Kew Gardens in Full Spectrum. Series.
Tropical Wonderland in series
Picture 3. A day in the Palm House at Kew Gardens in Full Spectrum. Series.
Tropical Wonderland in series
Picture 4. A day in the Palm House at Kew Gardens in Full Spectrum. Series.
warsaw bridges part 3
Warsaw, Poland