Richmond Canal Walk

Forestburgh Pond NY



Self portrait photography This photo is a portrait of myself clicked using remote control facilities in Sony camera software
Ethereal Light

Mount Silliman, Sequoia National Park 590 nm Infrared, processed in Photoshop with the B&W Artisan Pro X panel
With Apologies to Ansel

San Francisco de Asis Church, Taos, New Mexico, 720 nm infrared processed in Photoshop with the B&W Artisan Pro X panel.
Wild Elm

A wild elm tree at Buffalo Lake Wildlife Refuge, Texas, February 2021, 720 nm infrared processed in Lightroom.
Shadow of the Storm Ghost Ranch August 2021

Summer storm clouds over Chimney Rock, Ghost Ranch, New Mexico.
Procession of the Feast of Corpus Christi Avila Spain

Panorama stitch of two infrared photos processed in a fine art black and white style using the B&W Artisan Pro X panel.
Summer Evening at Goemmer Butte July 2022

“Magic Light” witnessed on an evening drive this summer near La Veta, Colorado
Moonrise over the West Spanish Peak

An incredible moment in time. Black and white visible light image of the actual moonrise over the West Spanish Peak. Black and white processing done in Photoshop with the B&W Artisan Pro X panel.
The Old Truck

An old truck abandoned in a meadow near La Veta, Colorado. 470 nm infrared processed in Lightroom