
Internal Cut Filter Transmission

March 4, 2015

DSLR Internal Cut Filter / Lowpass Filter / Hot Mirror Transmission Curves

All modern digital camera sensors come paired with an infrared and UV blocking mirror, which makes UV and IR photography very difficult without first removing this filter. We have started measuring the transmission of some of the filters we have removed during conversions and are providing them for general reference.

Knowing the transmission curve is particularly important for selecting an appropriate hotmirror filter after a full spectrum conversion. Picking a filter that is not close to the original transmission, particularly on the IR side, results in innacurate colors and problems with the white balance. If the hotmirror is matched properly though, the camera can be again used like before the conversion with the original color balances working. Knowing the transmission is also usefull for determining if your camera would benefit from using a UV filter. Most UV filters have a cutoff of around 400nm or less, if your camera already blocks these wavelengths there is no benefit to the extra filter in terms of UV blocking.

You can also use this resource to check if your camera will benefit from our two spectrum conversion.

A quick note on how to calculate the transmission of two stacked filters. If two filters are stacked, the transmission can be determined by mutliplying the transmission values of both filters for each wavelength. For example, if one filter has 50% transmission at 600nm, and another has 20% transmission, the combined transmission at 600nm would be 0.50 x 0.20 = .10, or 10%.


Nikon D100 ICF transmission
Nikon D200 ICF Transmission
Nikon D40 ICF transmission
Nikon D40x ICF Transmission
Nikon D50 ICF Transmission
Nikon D60 ICF transmission
Nikon D70 ICF transmission
Nikon D80 ICF Transmission
Nikon D90 ICF Transmission
Nikon D3000 ICF Transmission
Nikon D3100 ICF Transmission


Canon 30D ICF Transmission
Canon D60 ICF Transmission
Canon 10D ICF Transmission
Canon 20D ICF Transmission
Canon 300D ICF Transmission
Canon 350D ICF Transmission
Canon XS ICF Transmission
Canon XSi ICF Transmission
Canon T2i ICF Transmission
Canon 5D ICF Transmission
Canon 5D II ICF Transmission
Canon G1X ICF Transmission

Panasonic Lumix

Lumix G10 ICF Transmission
Lumix GF1 ICF Transmission
Lumix GF2 ICF Transmission


Olympux EP-1 ICF Transmission


Pentax ist D ICF Transmission
Pentax ist DL ICF Transmission
Pentax K10D ICF Transmission
Pentax K100D ICF Transmission


Fujifilm S3 ICF Transmission
Fujifilm X100 ICF Transmission
Fujifilm X-PRO-1 ICF Transmission


Samsung NX10 ICF Transmission
Samsung NX100 ICF Transmission


Sony A200 ICF Transmission
Sony A290 ICF Transmission
Sony A300 ICF Transmission
Sony A330 ICF Transmission
Sony C3 ICF Transmission
Sony NEX-5N ICF Transmission
Sony A55 ICF Transmission

We make no garuntees on the accuracy of this data, provided as a reference only.


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