Fairy Tale of Prague (Essay 710)

With its stunning architecture and gorgeous nature, Prague is arguably the most beautiful city in the world. And even to a higher extent when photographed with infrared filters, resulting in Fairytale-like views.
Fairy Tale of Prague (Essay 810)

With its stunning architecture and gorgeous nature, Prague is arguably the most beautiful city in the world. And even to a higher extent when photographed with infrared filters, resulting in Fairytale-like views.
Fairy Tale of Prague (Essay 910)

With its stunning architecture and gorgeous nature, Prague is arguably the most beautiful city in the world. And even to a higher extent when photographed with infrared filters, resulting in Fairytale-like views.
Fairy Tale of Prague (Essay 1010)

With its stunning architecture and gorgeous nature, Prague is arguably the most beautiful city in the world. And even to a higher extent when photographed with infrared filters, resulting in Fairytale-like views.
Bali Flower Landscape IR Photo 1 By Alex Liu

Bali Flowers
Bank of China IR Chrome Architecture Photo By Alex Liu

Bank of China in Hong Kong
Bo Bo Portrait Photo 1 By Alex Liu

Tokyo Taxi Snap Shot
Bo Bo Portrait Photo 2 By Alex Liu

IR Fashion Experimental Stying 1
Bo Bo Portrait Photo 3 By Alex Liu

IR Fashion Experimental Stying 2
Lakeside 720

First time trying 720 IR. Used the Kolari 720 Pro 77mm on my Full Spectrum Pentax K1. Location was at a local lake in Chandler Arizona in October, 2020
Willow Lake 590

First Landscape attempt in IR. Using Kolari 590nm Pro 77mm on a Full Spectrum Pentax K1. Location in Willow Lake on the Mogollon Rim in Northern Arizona. Taken in October, 2020
Bike Lane 590

Urban shot using Kolari 590 nm Pro 77mm on a Full Spectrum Pentax K1. Photo is from Chandler Arizona shot in October 2020.