Old Timers

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I stumbled across these cars in a field in Nevada on a road trip to the Grand Canyon. They looked like they were part of a film set, so precisely lined up, ready to rumble into life and race off into the distance. There was such a dignity about them and a sadness too.

Manhattan Skyline

manhattan skyline 2

Digital image taken from my roof with a dedicated Panasonic Lumix Infrared camera.

Whispers of Love

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I took this photo in Hyde Park, in London on a bright summers day. It made me think of two lovers, holding each other, gently whispering to each other, endearments, for their ears alone.

Falling Petals

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I photographed this tree in Hyde Park, London in the middle of summer and overplayed the petals which are from a hydrangea. I love the juxtaposition of the appearance of snow and the end of something, as if sleeping, yet the hopefulness of the pink of spring and rebirth.

Fairy Tale of Prague (Essay 110)

Fairy Tale of Prague 1

With its stunning architecture and gorgeous nature, Prague is arguably the most beautiful city in the world. And even to a higher extent, when photographed with infrared filters, resulting in Fairytale-like views.

Fairy Tale of Prague (Essay 210)

Fairy Tale of Prague 2

With its stunning architecture and gorgeous nature, Prague is arguably the most beautiful city in the world. And even to a higher extent when photographed with infrared filters, resulting in Fairytale-like views.

Fairy Tale of Prague (Essay 310)

Fairy Tale of Prague 3

With its stunning architecture and gorgeous nature, Prague is arguably the most beautiful city in the world. And even to a higher extent when photographed with infrared filters, resulting in Fairytale-like views.

Fairy Tale of Prague (Essay 410)

Fairy Tale of Prague 4

With its stunning architecture and gorgeous nature, Prague is arguably the most beautiful city in the world. And even to a higher extent when photographed with infrared filters, resulting in Fairytale-like views.

Fairy Tale of Prague (Essay 510)

Fairy Tale of Prague 5

With its stunning architecture and gorgeous nature, Prague is arguably the most beautiful city in the world. And even to a higher extent when photographed with infrared filters, resulting in Fairytale-like views.

Fairy Tale of Prague (Essay 610)

Fairy Tale of Prague 6

With its stunning architecture and gorgeous nature, Prague is arguably the most beautiful city in the world. And even to a higher extent when photographed with infrared filters, resulting in Fairytale-like views.

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