The Rock

TheRock Raintung 4b291ae0 36a4 4c39 9262 221749aacbda

The picture of the rock is taken with a ND Filter.

Colors of Valbrenta

colors of valbrenta 55a66bc6 854f 4656 befa 02f23eda1678

I was in Valbrenta valley (VI) Italy and I see this wonderful view. For post production I used Darktable and Affinity Photo.

Tree Trunk

TreeTrunk Raintung 89d4b66d c1c1 4f39 b7c4 d8b44b27c66c

The picture of the Tree Trunk on the beach is taken during the sunset.


Wildsee Raintung ea0ad862 ff40 49ff 8d94 b0d41ed07a84

The Lake with Mountain as a background in Italy is photographed early in the morning with a Kolari IR-Filter 665nm.


Dolomites Raintung d7da0d5f 127d 476b af4a c3a69bb606c2

The Dolomite Mountain is photographed with a Kolari IR-Filter 665nm and is convert in black and white. The weather was cloudy.

White trees

white trees e2d24b0d 1660 4983 a162 cd5a133c7add

I was in Bolzano Vicentino (VI) Italy and I see this wonderful view. For post production I used Darktable and Affinity Photo.

Pink time

pink time 5636a95b bcd5 4bc5 b809 b4673108e923

The photo consists of 10 shots combined with Affinity Photo to increase the depth of field. I was in Bolzano Vicentino (VI) Italy and I see this wonderful view. For post production I used Darktable and Affinity Ph.

IR Mystery Lake 6522

6.5.22 Infrared 2 image merge DI Lake 1973 1 1 24x24small 20595a10 83b7 46cd 9ee0 949845790473

Mystery Lake along the U.S. Gulf Coast in a Maritime Forrest. Black and white added mystery and intrigue.

Sea Spray Mossy Movements

6.19.22 Algae Rocks in Surf with Water Motion 9853 16 9 22.192 x 12.483 (1)smaller 2ec6b8d6 f82f 4d15 9df0 ed5882695577

Mossy rocks pelted by waves showing the movement of the spray and waves by slightly slowing the shutter speed to 1/6s.

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