
A quiet pond, near where I live.
The Lookouts

This tree is nicknamed the gumdrop tree in my hometown of Duxbury, MA, but the crows on the boat are what drew me to the scene.

Riverside tree in the Pantanal, Brazil
Maggie on Boca

Maggie enjoying the beach on Boca Grande, FL.
Light at the end of the tunnel

Beech trees along a roadside in Scotland
Sycamore Kilravock Scotland

Ancient tree
Clava Cairns Scotland

Taken at the ancient site of Clava Cairns attempting to capture the ethereal beauty of the place.
Lunch Time

Micro Landscape of a Flower Drawing In a Bee
The Spot

Micro Landscape of A popular spot that draws in three bees.
Tight Rope

Micro Landscape of a Dragon Fly walking o a leaf’s edge.

Micro Landscape of a Bee Walking a Flower
On The Lookout

Red Shoulder Hawk Reviewing the Lunch Menu