The COVID-19 pandemic in Bangladesh is part of the worldwide pandemic of corona virus disease 2019 (COVID-19). Confirmed three known cases were reported on 8 March 2020 by the country’s epidemiology institute, IEDCR. Since then, the pandemic has spread day by day over the whole nation and the number of affected people has been significantly increasing. When The COVID-19 Catastrophe was plunging the world into social, economic, and political turmoil — not to mention the public health, Bangladesh had more than that. Besides other limitation, rumors spreaded widely. People denied to receive their relatives even family member’s dead body ,who were corona victim. In many areas local people refused to perform funeral and burial of the dead body. In this crucial situation only several welfare foundation have stepped ahead. Amid the adverse situation, thousands of volunteers are acting selflessly in the face of uncertainty. They have been performing burials of corona virus victims according to health directives round the clock across the country. All of the volunteers were trained and kept ready 24 hours for call to bury deceased people from COVID-19 disease.Following the burial directives of Health Ministry, Islamic Foundation and the World Health Organization (WHO), volunteers reach the house or hospital to collect the body and perform all rituals accordingly. Volunteers use personal protective equipment (PPE) while conducting burial rituals for being safe from coronavirus infection. After each and every burial, volunteers wash the graveyard area with disinfectant, and burn the PPE including other protective gears. Besides Muslim people, volunteers have been performing the burial of the people of Hindu, Christian & other religion, adding that they have a female volunteers’ team for burial of female corona virus victim.