Komodo National Park
Komodo National Park – Sweltering under the midday sun we climbed and we climbed and we climbed. The view was spectacular but washed out under the heat of the day and with the sullen browns of the dry season it wasn’t giving me much photographic inspiration. Luckily along with water I had packed my IR […]
Giant Petrels
Nestled under a bush in the sub-antarctic landscape, two giant petrels appear just as startled as me by there sudden appearance
Circle of Life
Infra Red provides an excellent medium for portraying some of the more grim subjects. Here in the sub-Antartic a southern royal albatross slowly decomposes in the elements. A remnant of feathers and bones defying the majesty of what it once was. You can see in the top left hadn’t corner two elongated shapes moving, as […]
Island of the Birds
On a small Island in the sub Antarctic there are two species of enormous, carnivorous birds. Skua and giant petrels. It can be an other worldly place to visit and IR nicely conveys the dramatic and alien nature of the place while giving a slightly dangerous and morbid atmosphere as these large avian predators stalk […]