Old Locomotive

Beautiful Old Loco parked up, in the lower South Island of New Zealand, she’s just a show piece now..but still with Beauty & Grace
Power Down

This photo was taken in a deserted Gold Minning piece of the South Island, New Zealand, Called The ‘Nevis Valley’ A beautiful piece of the History, still standing in New Zealand today
Angry Clouds

Traveling along in the car taking photos out my window & I was lucky enough to get the photo, the clouds were amazing
Broken Down

A little old broken down tractor & shed down the road from us

A visit from my wee grandson
Green Barn

A Beautiful landscape of Old, & Overgrown.
Lazy Day in the Sun

Driving along in the car with AMAZING cloud formations & Cows
Angry Clouds

Stunning cloud formation driving in the car
Line Up

Managed to capture a great line up of trees on our travels while moving in the car
On Track

Lying on train tracks in our little town
Ongarue River

this is a big river that runs through our town

Went to a town 3 hours away & went exploring, & found a little pond next to a park