Pearl Reflection
The Towers downtown Shanghai with a reflection of the Pearl Tower
Childs play
Sunset flares in Marina Del Rey, California
shanghai skyline
The Skyline downtown Shanghai, China
Joshu Tree
On a brief trip through Joshua Tree National park, capturing the Rock formations
A bridge somewhere in the middle of Central Park, NYC
Joshu Tree
At the beginning of the Joshua Tree National park I saw my first Joshua Trees
Red Planet
Joshua Tree National Park, putting the Red back in Infrared
Joshu Tree
Sunset in Joshua Tree National Park
Joffre Lake BC
One of 3 lakes at Joffre lakes Provincial park in British Columbia, Canada
Red Joffre
One of the 3 lakes at Joffre Provincial Park in BC, Canada
Blue Mountain
A pit stop on Blue Mountain in Jamaica. Coffee and Ganja growin out there mon
Spencer and the Dragon Fruit, Venice, California