Chapada Diamantina Photo Essay

This is a trip I did in October 2019 to the Chapada Diamantina National Park. I focused on capturing the park in infrared using both IR 665nm and IR Chrome filters.
Brazilian Congress
A different perspective of the Brazilian Congress
A cold and beautiful waterfall
This is a very cold waterfall but very beautiful in a Farm call Guaxinduva near São Paulo.
Red Woods Waterfall
This is the Sertãozinho Waterfall in Bueno Brandão in the state of Minas Gerais
Flying over Mars
A capture on a flight from São Paulo to Curitiba. The water is the Capivari Dam near the Sierras.
Fly me to the Moon
A capture during our landing procedure in the Curitiba city and crossing with another flight.
Flower on the sidewalk
A little flower on the sidewalk. Seen and captured by my daughter using my camera.
Tumbling Waterfall
Captured on the Tumbling Waterfall trail with long exposure 720nm filter camera.
Tumbling waterfall and pool
The Thumbling waterfall got its name from the numerous visitors that have fallen trying to go to the top of the waterfall. A long exposure capture with a 720nm filter camera.
Limoeiro waterfall and rapids

Image taken in Bueno Brandão region close to sunset but before golden hour.
Sunset on Lockdown
Image taken during lockdown with plenty of time to watch sunsets from my apartment.
This is a composite image both taken in the same day and with different lenses. The landscape with a 55mm and the moon with a 105mm.