Salamanca in infrared 1

Lazarillo de Tormes sculpture. Canon 6D full spectrum and a Kolari 590nm IR filter.
Salamanca in infrared 2

View of the Roman bridge in Salamanca. Canon 6D full spectrum and a 720nm IR filter.
Salamanca in infrared 3

Salamanca from the left bank of the Tormes river. Canon 6D full spectrum, 720 nm IR filter and a 6 stop ND filter.
Salamanca in infrared 4

View of the the RodrÃguez Fabrés iron bridge. Canon 6D full spectrum, 720 nm IR filter and a 6 stop ND filter.
Salamanca in infrared 5

Monument to Christopher Columbus in Salamana. Canon 6D full spectrum and a 720nm IR filter.
Salamanca in infrared 6

Salamanca’s main square. Canon 6D full spectrum and a 720nm IR filter.
Salamanca in infrared 7

The Romanesque church of San MartÃn in Salamanca. Canon 6D full spectrum and a 720nm IR filter.
Salamanca in infrared 8

Dome of the New Cathedral of Salamanca. Canon 6D full spectrum and a 720nm IR filter.
Salamanca in infrared 9

Dome of the New Cathedral of Salamanca. Canon 6D full spectrum and a Kolari 590nm IR filter.
Salamanca in infrared 10

Well of the garden of Calixto and Melibea in Salamanca. Canon 6D full spectrum and a Kolari 590nm IR filter.
Salamanca in infrared 11

The Casa Lis located on the old wall of the city of Salamanca. Canon 6D full spectrum and a Kolari 590nm IR filter.
Salamanca in infrared 12

The bell tower of the New Cathedral of Salamanca. Canon 6D full spectrum and a Kolari 590nm IR filter.