Laundry lake

Early morning in a small town of Yang Shou, China – just a few weeks before Chinese New Years. The father will leave to work while the mother, grandmother, brother and sister will go to a lake not far from home. Over there, they wash their clothes.
Laundry lake

Early morning in a small town of YangShou, China – just a few weeks before Chinese New Years. The father will leave to work while the mother, grandmother, brother and sister will go to a lake not far from home. Over there, they wash their clothes.
wash their vegetables

This is a lake where they wash their vegetables and cook a delicious meal for their beloved customers
Laundry lake

Early morning in a small town of YangShou, China – just a few weeks before Chinese New Years. The father will leave to work while the mother, grandmother, brother and sister will go to a lake not far from home. Over there, they wash their clothes.