Urban Forest essay old hospital building

This image is about the urban forest, where man made and nature collide, and ultimately merge, becoming something else.
Urban Forest essay Old stone house

The Urban Forest is the place where man made and nature meet, collide, and ultimate merge, becoming something else.
Urban Forest essay Decaying quarter

The Urban Forest: Where man made and nature meet, collide, and ultimately become something else.
Urban Forest essay Lost trolley

The Urban Forest: Where nature and man made meet, collide, and ultimately merge, becoming something else.
Trichroic Azorean shoreline

This image is the result of a special processing technique using three images taken in sequence, and converted to R.G,B. They are then layered and the result shows motion in the sky and water. The effect is otherworldly.
Trichroic Azorean shoreline

This image is the result of a special processing technique. Three images are taken in sequence, and layered after converting to R,G, B. The result is otherworldly.
Trichroic Azorean shoreline

This image is the result of a special processing technique. Three images are taken in succession, converted to R,G, B, and layered. The effect is otherworldly.
The Urban Forest Trees engulfing the dorm building

The Urban Forest: Where nature and man made meet, collide, and ultimately merge, becoming something different.