A sea of clouds in the night

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Full moon is a good time to attempt night-time infrared photography. This night, while working on Mt. Wendelstein, I was still covered in clouds with only very short moments of clear sight. While I couldn’t observe due to the high humidity, taking photos that night was rewarding enough.

Sunrise in the alps

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After a long and productive night observing on Mt. Wendelstein, one of my highlights is watching the sunrise in the morning which announces the end of my shift. Since there is nobody here besides the observer, I put on classical music from Bruckner and sit outside for half an hour while liquid nitrogen is refilled […]

An astronomer in Texas – 1


Astronomy has a few perks, one of them being able to travel to far-away continents (depending on the perspective) and explore locations you can otherwise never access. My main scientific work is the hunt for extrasolar planets and in the context of this, I regularly travel into the mountains of Texas, to the McDonald observatory. […]

One year on Mt Wendelstein – 7


–part 7 of the essay One year on Mt. Wendelstein– Summer was over and autumn was closing in. This usually shows the most scenic sunsets and golden hours and this here was no exception. Again, infrared provides better clarity.

One year on Mt Wendelstein – 8

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–part 8 of the essay One year on Mt. Wendelstein– Of course, when you are an astronomer, you should do astrophotography from time to time. Armed with a small tracker, I photographed a part of Scorpius with Antares, its central red bright star. Thanks to full spectrum, I could increase the amount of light for […]

One year on Mt Wendelstein – 10

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–part 10 of the essay One year on Mt. Wendelstein– One of the sad things in astronomy is that we often can’t enjoy the sunset. Certain calibration operations, the taking of sky flats and opening up the telescope, have to be undertaken during that time. Here, I simply put my camera into time lapse mode […]

One year on Mt Wendelstein – 9

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–part 9 of the essay One year on Mt. Wendelstein– After a long and productive night, one of my highlights is watching the sunrise in the morning which announces the end of my shift. Since there is nobody here besides the observer, I put on classical music from Bruckner and sit outside for half an […]

One year on Mt Wendelstein – 11

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–part 11 of the essay One year on Mt. Wendelstein– Ever imagined how the sky on an extrasolar planet could look like? On Earth, the sky is blue mostly due to Ozone with rayleigh scattering, which is still often taught at school as an explanation, playing only second fiddle. Other gasses therefore would color the […]

One year on Mt Wendelstein – 12

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–part 12 of the essay One year on Mt. Wendelstein– With autumn approaching, the stormy season has begun. Infrared is able to show the structure of the incoming rainclouds with almost no haze, making them look all the more threatening.

One year on Mt Wendelstein – 13

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–part 13 of the essay One year on Mt. Wendelstein– Night shots are particularly challenging in the infrared since the amount of photons is quite low. However, trying it with a not very bright superzoom lens may be called insanity! During full moon, I took a series of ten images and stacked them. This lowered […]

One year on Mt Wendelstein – 14


–part 14 of the essay One year on Mt. Wendelstein– Winter has caught up with the alps. After waking up and seeing this beautiful scenery, I immediately grabbed my camera and took a photo of the increasing inversion. Infrared serves as an increased contrast between the snow and the trees.

An astronomer in Texas – 12


–part 12 of the essay An astronomer in Texas– A more zoomed-in photo reveals supernumaries. Rainbows are created by water drops of equal size, where light gets reflected inside the drop and, depending on the wavelength, exits the drop at a certain angle. However, if there are several similar-sized types of water drops in the […]

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