Infrared Surreal Sentinel

10.3.22 Infrared Lighthouse 3945 2 3 14.0 x 21.0B 417abd4e 81ed 4899 9089 2f73c5f96617

This lighthouse on the Gulf of Mexico was damaged during Hurricane Katrina 17 years ago. I took the image with long exposure techniques (2 minutes with a 10-Stop ND filter) to obtain the silky smooth mysterious sea and slight streaking in the almost cloudless sky. White balance was corrected and then creative pursuit led to […]

Long View out to Sea

12.21.21 Leading out to sea Color 0412 16 x 9 aspect 32 x 18 GLOSSY Border SIG (3390 of 1) a6edeff5 8db3 4f6f 826f 647c98d955bd

Low tide one winter morning produced this really nice leading line feature out to sea framed by lonely fishing piers. Use of a 10-stop neutral density filter was needed to produce the stillness.

Driftwood Cross and Still Waters

1.15.22 Still Waters Cross 1988 16 9 32x18 .75wht .2blk border (3390 of 1) ca22b2bb 1ef7 4238 94db 749a67fbeaed

Blue hour on the U.S. Gulf Coast of a chance encounter of someone’s creativity with driftwood. Use of a 6-stop neutral density filter was needed to obtain the surreal stillness effect.

Infrared Mystery Ranch

9.30.22 Infrared Ranch Timber Fence 3865 5 4 18.25 x 14.60 reduced file size a275cdc6 ee17 4e12 95e9 f1b62740569f

An infrared image taken of a leading line fence on a ranch with no color channel swap and selective desaturation to give the ranch a winter time feel with the added visual mystery of an apocalyptic sky.

IR Mystery Lake 6522

6.5.22 Infrared 2 image merge DI Lake 1973 1 1 24x24small 20595a10 83b7 46cd 9ee0 949845790473

Mystery Lake along the U.S. Gulf Coast in a Maritime Forrest. Black and white added mystery and intrigue.

Sea Spray Mossy Movements

6.19.22 Algae Rocks in Surf with Water Motion 9853 16 9 22.192 x 12.483 (1)smaller 2ec6b8d6 f82f 4d15 9df0 ed5882695577

Mossy rocks pelted by waves showing the movement of the spray and waves by slightly slowing the shutter speed to 1/6s.

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