el angel

walking my pet… ( one of the few things you could get out of … always with my camera.. early days of confinement…. absolutely no one on the streets.. .I saw the framing … made me think and shoot

this photograph only has channel mixer and Hue/Saturation. The clouds even if they appear overlapping only and have masked and you have practiced tone-adjusted levels. It was held at the Mushroom Market in Seville. ISO 200 Focal 25,77 velocidad 1/200 F 10.0
Ill endure

in a shop window with a vertical garden, I buoyed the reflection on the glass of people who with their mask looked like they were making an almost normal life and I shot thinking that if we saw that if we saw that we still have beautiful things around us we could resist. channel mixer […]

f/8 1/50s iso 400 17mm
primavera espacial

the 720 nm filter sometimes when infrared radiation is short simply by making the channel change and some tone and saturation is achieved almost the same as with a 590 filter…this is the case of this photograph (natural light). ISO 80 speed 1/10 focal 7.4 opening F 8.0
el ngel sealado

just mixing channels and tone/saturation
los cipreses

photo taken on a day of low infrared radiation in the Monastery of the Carthusian of Seville

foto tomada a ultima hora de la tarde en invierno del Aljarafe ( SEvilla)

Isla de la Cartuja de Sevilla
Pabelln Real

Royal pavilion held for the Universal Exhibition in Seville in 1929
mi rincn

Maria Luisa Park Sevilla
el sueo de Leon

Murillo Garden Sevilla