Playing Toy in Graveyard
![Playing Toy in Graveyard 1 PSX 20220825 080331 3d876fa9 d13b 4fb7 81aa e26a2c10976a](
Kids Playing Toy Car in Graveyard, shot is taken around 2pm by fujifilm xpro converted full spectrum with 850Nm filter
The Dream Land
![The Dream Land 2 PSX 20220825 080115 b04313a5 a8fe 412a 8a61 02609472d89d](
Some pelicans is swimming in the river, shot around 1pm by fujifilm Xpro converted to full spectrum with 720Nm filter.
Fairy Tale
![Fairy Tale 3 PSX 20220825 075918 562487e2 bd99 4718 bb49 fa0c40d6d674](
This photo is taken around 2pm by fujifilm xpro & converted full spectrum with 720Nm filter.
Fairy Tale
![Fairy Tale 4 PSX 20200918 142052](
Photo is taken with 720Nm and swap Color Channel, this IR is great for concept Fairy Tales themes.
Fantasy Land
![Fantasy Land 5 PSX 20200918 142215](
Photo of pelicans in animal park, this was taken with 720 and color channel swap