My Father

The bounding of daughter and a father.
An astronomer in Texas – 1

Astronomy has a few perks, one of them being able to travel to far-away continents (depending on the perspective) and explore locations you can otherwise never access. My main scientific work is the hunt for extrasolar planets and in the context of this, I regularly travel into the mountains of Texas, to the McDonald observatory. […]
One year on Mt Wendelstein – 7

–part 7 of the essay One year on Mt. Wendelstein– Summer was over and autumn was closing in. This usually shows the most scenic sunsets and golden hours and this here was no exception. Again, infrared provides better clarity.
Nikon Z7 Blue IR


Bridge in the village of Tripoli, Kiev region.

Bridge in the village of Tripoli, Kiev region.
Golden View
A panorama of Paris taken from the top of the Trocadero building, normally closed to the public. A perfect view to realize the place taken by nature in this city.
Panasonic Lumix G7 NDVI BLUE IR RAW
Sony A600 – NDVI Blue IR – 2

Sony A600 – NDVI Blue IR – 1

Sony A3000 – NDVI Blue IR

Sony A7S II – NDVI Blue IR