Home Burial

A view from a farmhouse window to a family cemetery.
Cheam wetlands Chilliwack British Columbia

Cheam wetlands photographed with a Full Spectrum Canon M50 using a Kolari IRChrome filter combined with a ND filter
Rosedale Bridge BC

Photo taken with a Full Spectrum Canon M50 using a Kolari IRChrome filter combined with a ND Filter.
The setting sun on the Fraser River

Photo taken using a Canon M50 Full Spectrum camera with A Kolari IRChrome filer combined with a ND Filter
On The Lookout

Red Shoulder Hawk Reviewing the Lunch Menu
Country Life

Windmill on a Hill
Flight of the Honey Bee Two

Honey Bee in Flight
Flight of the Honey Bee

Honey Bee in Flight
Searching for Shade

Lizzard Seeking Out Some Shade
The Thinker

Red Shoulder Hawk in Deep Thought
The Boss

Portrait of a Bee
Iowa barn

Took a Long drive around Iowa with my camera and I came across this awesome run down barn