
Stefan Dollinger Mirror e16d650a 25ee 4419 8a72 71615a975c07

“Double” Backflip of Stefan Dollinger

IR Sqeuenz

Stefan Dollinger Sequenz 6b1ff6eb d76e 4772 a326 c9c4af47cf62

The Sequenz of Redbull Athlete Stefan Dolinger using the city as his playground


Peter Kaiser 957c431e a95e 491d 97ed 9b5b092edabb

Mountainbike Rider in a skate park


Tom Öhler City 1 9c6116fe c64f 4644 aa0d c1e3f7b7a0cd

Part of a the INNvisible project where I captured multiple athletes in Innsbruck to showcase the importance of a balanced natural environment within the city. This particular shot was taken on the Landhausplatz, a busy plaza in the city center. I wanted to frame the action of Tom Oehler on the plaza using the trees […]


Sunrise f3cd5aef a693 452f b782 70d967dc506e

Sunrise photo taken from the Fuente de la Salud beach breakwater in Torremolinos (Málaga, Spain). Canon EOS RP with a Canon EF 70-300 mm f/4-5.6L lens. 70mm, 20 s, f/11, ISO 100. IRchrome + Kolari Pro ND 4-Stop Filter.

Tower of Gold

Tower of Gold 99571a94 f0d2 4bb0 b0e4 72bae6644547

The Tower of Gold in Seville (Spain). Photo taken early in the morning from one of the bridges that crosses the Guadalquivir River. Canon EOS RP with a Canon EF 50 mm f/1.2L lens. 15 s, f/8, ISO 100. IRchrome + Kolari Pro ND 10-Stop Filter.

Bellver Castle

Bellver Castle IR Chorme d692ae6c 38f7 40e3 b25f ee2dedf0ce70

View of the Bellver Castle shortly after sunrise. Palma de Majorca (Spain)


robshea DSF3488 58d56370 d075 4c44 b613 67aab78bbd1e

Watermill of Cades Cove in the Smoky Mountains National Park

Codes Cove Valley

robshea DSF3454 c740ab86 1af3 4b20 9b9f d348f16d1f38

Panorama of the open valley of Cades Cove in the Smokey Mountains National Park

A shady spot IRC

A shady spot IRC d7a81534 1a95 40bc a893 5a3249f1b503

Tables and chairs under the shade of a tree in a leafy courtyard in France. IR Chrome filter on Fuji 14mm lens, 1/50 second at F11, ISO 200

Acer Brilliantisimum Flower IRC

Acer Brilliantisimum Flower IRC 4b9c93d0 1452 4d8b 8b1b 094e06cf459e

The flower from an Acer Brilliantisimum tree – used a Fuji XT-1 with Carl Zeiss Jena Tessar 50mm lens + IR Chrome filter which produced nice Bokeh.

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