Lakeside 720

First time trying 720 IR. Used the Kolari 720 Pro 77mm on my Full Spectrum Pentax K1. Location was at a local lake in Chandler Arizona in October, 2020
After the Fire

Controlled burns are common throughout the Lowcountry in South Carolina. These activities support subsequent vegetative growth and wildlife.
Hobo Hideaway

A few of the dark alleys throughout downtown Savannah, Georgia provide ideal resting locations among the homeless.
Sunny day in Downtown Vancouver

A sunny day make Downtown Vancouver a perfect location to learn some basic IR photography
Old Cedar

An old Cedar tree located along a tidal salt marsh.
My first IR photo

It was my first shot in InfraRed light…. it was unforgettable!
Old Water Spigot

An old water spigot abandoned among a coastal forest.

Landscape of Cooma. The camera is a Canon 1100D and converted with a 720mn filter over the sensor. Image was processed in Capture One using the colour editor to shift the colour to bring bring back some Pink and Reds
Historic House

Historic House Capture with a 720nm converted Canon 1100D Processed with Capture One and colour shifted using the colour editor to look like Kodak EIR Aerochrome that I was using in the 1970’s.
Tree Stand

Tree Stand Taken at the back of a Motel. Converted 720nm Canon 1100D and simple channel swap
Wanchai Landscape IR Photo 2 By Alex Liu

Wanchai Commercial Center Snapshot
Hong Kong Landscape IR Photo 3 By Alex Liu

Hong Kong Victoria Harbour View at night