In the company of trees

Bayou in Louisiana

Nestled in the village of Chimayo along the High Road to Taos sits a national historic landmark, El Santuario de Chimayo. The sanctuary is well known for the unusual legend of its creation and as a present-day pilgrimage site.

Ancient lighthouse on a hill at Mahabalipuram, South India
The IR valley

I took this picture when I was on vacation in Arches national Park. This photo offered a unique point of view as it had just finished raining.
Dirt Road

My favorite kind of road, cutting through the Iowa cornfields.

A father and son in the park
A Long Sweet Walk Home

Some fresh air at the end of the day.
the Rave grave

I shot this picture in the Ohlsdorf grave Hamburg.
A Bridge too far

BW image of a bridge in South India
Aliens are here

Image of a monument of departed leader
Bring on the light

Image of an old lighthouse near my hometown – chennai , South India
Myakka River Park Venice FL

This infrared photograph was taken at the “Venice Myakka River Park” in Venice, Florida on April 27, 2020 at 08:23 am. The camera was set at 1/125 of a second at F/5.6 with the ISO set to125. The camera was a Nikon D750 Digital camera converted for InfraRed Photography. A vignette was applied. (IR042720050)