Urban Forest essay Old stone house

The Urban Forest is the place where man made and nature meet, collide, and ultimate merge, becoming something else.
Urban Forest essay Decaying quarter

The Urban Forest: Where man made and nature meet, collide, and ultimately become something else.
Urban Forest essay Lost trolley

The Urban Forest: Where nature and man made meet, collide, and ultimately merge, becoming something else.
Trichroic Azorean shoreline

This image is the result of a special processing technique. Three images are taken in sequence, and layered after converting to R,G, B. The result is otherworldly.
Trichroic Azorean shoreline

This image is the result of a special processing technique. Three images are taken in succession, converted to R,G, B, and layered. The effect is otherworldly.
The Urban Forest Trees engulfing the dorm building

The Urban Forest: Where nature and man made meet, collide, and ultimately merge, becoming something different.
Trichroic Azorean shoreline

This image is the result of a special processing technique using three images taken in sequence, and converted to R.G,B. They are then layered and the result shows motion in the sky and water. The effect is otherworldly.

Portrait of a wonderful person and an excellent stylist Ilya
Beijing in the infrared range

I managed to travel to Beijing a year ago. I was especially impressed by the parks and historic buildings in the city. Time after time I opened for myself the “Summer Palace”, “Imperial Garden”, “Forbidden City”, “Great Wall”, I was always delighted with the harmony of the garden and the architecture. This was especially visible […]
The Cirque of the Unclimbables

The Cirque of the Unclimbables, in Nahanni National Park, NWT, Canada
Grand Pr

Overlooking Grand Pré National Historic Site, Nova Scotia, and the Bay of Fundy
Shougang Park

In 2019, I went to China, and my colleagues took me to the site of the former Shugang steel plant in the suburbs of Beijing. This place is interesting because instead of demolishing the plant, the country’s authorities decided to create a park, recreation area and build sports facilities for the 2022 Winter Olympics. It […]