
That picture was taken in Cozumel Mexico while a storm was approaching using a Fujifilm XT2 modified full spectrum and a 590nm filter.

Picture taken in Cozumel Mexico, using a Fujifilm XT2 modified full spectrum and a 590nm filter.
Hawaiian Rainbow

I saw this rainbow off the coast of Kauai and wondered what it would look like in IR. The RAW photo was developed using Capture One and processed via Photoshop for red-blue swap and refined with ON1 Effects.
Smiley Flower

The gesture of the flower seems to be smiling at people.

The structure stands silently within the plantings
Birds View of Towns

The photo gives me a feeling of a bird’s view looking down at the town underneath.
Sidewalk Construction

Inner City Foliage

Only parsley

A tiny life grow up in the border of a river.
The braveness of the sea

Panoramic of the full action that can release the sea in a brave day.
Animal connection

Horse that I found with the sunset light in three quarters and a realy good mood to colaborate.
Metallic sunset

Amazing place that is a few kilometers away from the city where I live.