Dawn Light

IR090721040 edd6fd23 c9d0 4ce1 bd02 1f5d9478e4a1

This picture of Florida Flatwoods was taken at Web Lake in Punta Gorda, Florida at 7:08am on September 7, 2021. The camera settings were 1/1600 of a second at F/10 with the ISO set to 1250. The lens used was a Nikon 24-120mm F/4 zoomed to 75mm. The camera used was a Nikon D750 DSLR […]

Lake Life

Lake Life copy ce5f7380 7224 4031 9a1f d4d58a9214a0

Photo was taken on a lake in northern Ontario. It shows a person in a canoe passing by cottages.

Santa Magdalena

DSCF1315 Panorama HDR Modifier 2 259004be 1166 48bc 9fc4 fb4da9329d4f

The photo was taken in Domomites region. The scene was awesome, beatiful light and clouds were moovnig fastly. Too have maximum details I used a telephoto lens and I took several shoots to make a huge panorama. Here is the result, and I hope you’ll like it.

Gazebo in the Garden

SC Gazebo in Garden 2 EDIT 2 40 copy 7d11a807 bd21 4d17 aa0e af2d7fbace85

This image was made in the historic district of Charleston, SC. I thought IR was appropriate here to tell the story of an almost `other worldly’ part of historic Charleston.

Anna Ruby Falls

Anna Ruby Falls IR 590nm ace036fe 96fd 4225 a93b 503a8dc15822

Located in the mountains of North Georgia USA, Anna Ruby Falls is a double waterfall consisting of Cutis creek on the left and York Creek on the right. After merging they become Smith Creek. The upper observation deck is also visible.


Inferno ff131628 8a14 4919 9a10 9de0d879712e

The picture was taken in Cozumel Mexico as a storm was approaching using a Fujifilm XT2 modified full spectrum camera and a 590nm filter.

The iron Lady of Paris

The Iron lady 41f2da8c 3042 4647 bece 97fee019e39b

The picture was taken in Paris during a photoshoot in front of the Eiffel tower using a Fujifilm modified full spectrum camera with a 590nm filter.

The tower

infra.Serfati18 afd219af c146 4fe2 93aa a94c3ef77a05

The picture was taken in Paris France using a Fujifilm XT2 modified full spectrum and a 590nm filter.

Invisible Wings

IR Butterfly Grelyak a2db4a34 0be8 4892 bff6 499fb9232f66

This butterfly was caught under a tarp. I freed her and she let me set her where I liked and take her photo. I used my IR camera and processed it down to nearly black and white with some touches of color.

Kolari’s EU store
is now open! 

Filters and accessories now shipping from Slovenia with VAT included and quick DHL shipping.
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