Demain ds lAube 2020
My goal is to get the spectator to follow the same journey, to be faced with the same reality, to make him aware of this situation. Participation 15/15 – Pierre-Louis Ferrer.
Demain ds lAube 1720
Finally, the impact of social invisibility is reinforced by the human invisibility characterizing each of my images: the spectator is directly immersed in each scene, without the possibility of concealing himself through a passer-by, in order to be totally faced with this situation. Participation 15/15 – Pierre-Louis Ferrer.
La cathdrale de Prigueux
Photo réalisée à Périgueux – 2016
My backyard in Fort Myers, FL.
Cluster amaryllis blooming at the boundary of light
It is a cluster amaryllis that blooms in the boundary world between visible light and infrared light. Cluster amaryllis is said to be an ominous flower in Japan. I expressed ominousness.