In a line

People are stretching and pulling golden paddy to dry at a rice mill of Habra, India.
Prayer to Almighty

Thousands and thousands of Muslims people are doing their Holy prayer during Holy Eid at Mosque of Howrah, India.
Eid prayer

Thousands and thousands of Muslims people are doing their Holy prayer during Holy Eid at Mosque of Howrah, India.
Chapada Diamantina Photo Essay

This is a trip I did in October 2019 to the Chapada Diamantina National Park. I focused on capturing the park in infrared using both IR 665nm and IR Chrome filters.
Red Woods Waterfall
This is the Sertãozinho Waterfall in Bueno Brandão in the state of Minas Gerais
Flying over Mars
A capture on a flight from São Paulo to Curitiba. The water is the Capivari Dam near the Sierras.
Limoeiro waterfall and rapids

Image taken in Bueno Brandão region close to sunset but before golden hour.
This is a composite image both taken in the same day and with different lenses. The landscape with a 55mm and the moon with a 105mm.
A good place to live
Image taken at Bueno Brandão region in Minas Gerais using an IR Chrome filter.
Pink Rosario
Image taken in Rosario, Argentina at the Monument to the Flag.
Calico Basin-Red Rock Recreation Area-Las Vegas

Color Infrared image of Calico Basin, Nevada
standing proud

old tree, standing proud, facing the storm