Small waterfall

Small waterfall
olorful world

colorful world
Old Timers

I stumbled across these cars in a field in Nevada on a road trip to the Grand Canyon. They looked like they were part of a film set, so precisely lined up, ready to rumble into life and race off into the distance. There was such a dignity about them and a sadness too.

The long way down in kayak from the British Columbia CAN to the Skagit Valley in WA USA
Buntzen Lake in red

A quiet day kayaking in the Buntzen Lake (BC Canada)
First morning light on Tatalus Range

First sun light hit the Tantalus Range mountains.
Kayaking in the Gost Lagoon

The first attempt of kayaking in a remote area of a lake in BC Canada
Fall in Color
My Kolari Pocket comes with me whenever I go on my nature walks. This was captured on a nature trail not too far from my office, off of the beaten and worn path. Sometimes exploring pays off.
Benign Bridge
As the sun was setting, I wanted to capture an image with a bridge. Low light, and cold did not help, but here is the result
Mind the Gap

Another one of my favorite spots to take photos. A nice September late afternoon, the sun hit just oh so nicely between this foliage.
A Touch of Green
This one was a pleasant surprise in the editor
Ceramic Sky
A handmade ceramic sky, over our heads