Nymphenburg Castle 2 Munich
Nympenburg Castel in Munich; Olympus E 620
Sansouci Castle Potsdam
In the park of Sansouci Castle / Potsdam; Olympus E 620
Landscape with a fence
Landscape with a fence
Historic Fraunhofer refractor of USM
The old observatory of the Universitätssternwarte München in Bogenhausen and its Fraunhofer refractor used to be one of the most modern of its time. However, more than a century has passed and it is now under monument protection. It provides a very nice background for our new office building!
Waterways and Railways
Looking down the mountains in West Virginia you can view the different modes of transportation.
Waterways and Railways
Looking down the mountains in West Virginia you can view the different modes of transportation.
Bethany Cemetary
Bethany Cemetery sits on the outskirts of the city of Charleston SC.
Angel Watch
This large Angel Oak tree stands watch over Magnolia Cemetery and it’s residents.
Paddling Shem Creek
Three friends enjoying a morning trip down Shem Creek.
Fairy Path
An unexpected path with wispy grass right off the Blue Ridge Parkway in North Carolina.