The Top of Olympic

The Top of Olympic

This photo is from Olympic National Park and is one of the first photos I took in Infrared after receiving my camera in the middle of an eight-week road trip with my dad right after I graduated college.

Roadside Stop

RoadSide Stop

A roadside stop in Nevada during my trip to complete my final state for my first photobook.

Perpetual Construction

Perpetual Construction

Houston, Texas is the mecca of construction that I love so much about this image- and why I took it- is the shadow of the crane on the building. That, to me, encapsulates what Houston is.

Natural Hot Tub

Oregon Livin'

Before this summer, I had never been further west than Montana. I had no idea of some of Oregon’s interesting features, including their natural hot springs turned into hot tubs and how comfortable people are naked. Being from New Orleans, the nudity is not new, but it was surprising.

Nevadas Last Glacier

Nevada's Last Glacier

Did you know there was a glacier in Nevada? Me either! In Great Basin National Park remains a relic of the ice age that I felt was a must-see in my two day trip to Nevada to finish my first photobook.

Multnomah Falls

Multnomah Falls 550

The great Multnomah Falls, the reason I am submitting this to the landscape category and not the long exposure, is that this photo is made by stacking the images in the lightroom add-on LR enfuse.

Mingo Falls


Similar to my submission of Multnomah Falls, I am submitting this as a landscape because the photos were stacked in lightroom’s plug-in enfuse.

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