
Vineyard in Hungary, area Tihany
Castle gate

Massive trees line the entrance to the castle
Krivan hill

Landscape under High Tatras with Kriváň hill, Slovakia
Landscape paints

Hills in High Tatras, Slovakia

Landscape near stone-pit Šútovo in Slovakia
Listening to the rustle

The picture was taken using special manual focus lens with IR-optimised coutings, 100 mm f1.5 @f2.2. BW conversion.

Picture was taken using special manual focus lens with IR-optimised coutings, 100 mm f1.5 @f2.2. BW conversion.
Nika where bents rustle

Picture was taken using special manual focus lens with IR-optimised coutings, 100 mm f1.5 @f2.2. BW conversion.
Blooming garden

Lens Pentax-D FA 15-30 / 2.8. Pano, 49 frames.
Garden Bernardinai

Garden Bernardinai in Vilnius, Lithuania. Pano. Lens Pentax-D FA 15-30 / 2.8.
Barnardinai garden

Garden Bernardinai in Vilnius, Lithuania. Pano. Lens Pentax-D FA 15-30 / 2.8. BW conversion
Manor mill

Manor mill in Kretinga, Lithuania. Vertical pano, 6 frames. Lens Pentax-D FA 15-30 / 2.8