Pauls Bay

D3300 Tokina 11-16mm f2.8 Omegon LX2 Mini Track Sky – 5 stacked and stacked exposures – 4 min – f2.8 – ISO 800 Foreground – 3 stacked shots – 30 secs – ISO 1600 – f2.8
Crosbys Iron Man

After spotting some interesting clouds formations driving home from work, I headed down to the beach for sunset. Turns out sunset was a dud, but, as the wind picked up, the clouds grew angry, and I managed to snag this shot 🙂
Drama in the Sky

Photo taken at Historic Wheeler Farm on September 2022 with my Nikon D7200 which was converted by Kolari to Infrared 665 nm. In post I processed with the CLIR Extension panel using the white conversion.
Autumn at the Farm

Photo taken at Historic Wheeler Farm in Midvale, Utah in September 2022. I used my Nikon D7200 which was converted to infrared 665 nm by Kolari. In post I used the CLIR extension panel to convert the image.


Hand in light

flowers in entropy

sand patterns

draining tray

water ripples

shadows on the pavement

water droplets on my leg