Lonely Tree

Lonely Tree 9c443b41 d5b8 4c37 8bb3 48db59091f56

The tree stand alone with the accompany of the road sign and two benches. It seems that the signage and the benches were the support of the tree with such adverse weather.

Muhammad Amdad

DSC 0058 59c66242 ecc1 4eff 8f61 1822c139e31d

Tasnim,she is 11 year old, unusual pigmentation show off their shockingly bright, different big blue eyes. Eyes of this colour are rare for people of a darker skin tone, and the cause is a lack of melanin pigment in the iris of the eye. Lower levels of melanin are more commonly found in people with […]

Cygnus loop

Cygnus loop

The Cygnus loop (Sharpless 103) is a dim emission nebula. The image here was capture with 220 frames of 70 sec with a Kolari full spectrum converted camera. A Visible + H-alpha filter was used.

California Nebula


The emission nebula (NGC1499) known as “California Nebula” glows in Hydrogen-Alpha emitted light. The bright color captured is possible by the use of a Kolari full spectrum converted camera and a Visible + H-alpha filter. A total of 187 frames of 70s combined.

The Namib Desert

2020 Namibia 1 pdf

Namibia located in southern Africa is the driest country in sub-Saharan Africa. It is also one of the least populated countries in the world because of the large Namib Desert. The Namib desert is the world’s oldest desert and is completely devoid of surface water. It is known for its large sand dunes which are […]

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